Send BSV

Once a web application is connected to Panda Wallet, it can prompt the user for permission to send BSV transactions on their behalf.

To send BSV to a Bitcoin address(es), you simply pass an array of payment objects.

    satoshis: number;
    address?: string;
    data?: string[]; // hex string array
    script?: string;  // hex string
    inscription?: RawInscription; // see Provider Types

Sending a simple transaction to multiple recipients will look something like:

const wallet = initProvider(); // see "Detecting the Provider"

const paymentParams: = [
    satoshis: 10000,
    address: "18izL7Wtm2fx3ALoRY3MkY2VFSMjArP62D",
    satoshis: 54000,
    address: "1q6td54oZU8EPM1PwJcB1Z6upPyMe3Vy2",

try {
    const { txid, rawtx } = await wallet.sendBsv(paymentParams);
    // f2fc518036d96c956c30b995b4b0a70d6008b4b7ef666f7c913b2a79ab57d679
} catch (err) {

Any change will always be sent back to the sender's Panda Wallet.

Adding Data

To send a data transaction, omit the address and simply specify the data payload as an array of hex encoded string values:

const data = ["hello", "world"]
const paymentParamts = [{
    data: => Buffer.from(d).toString('hex)),
    satoshis: 0,

try {
    const { txid, rawtx } = await wallet.sendBsv(paymentParams);
    // a3fc518036d96c956c30b995b4b0a70d6008b4b7ef666f7c913b2a79ab57d67a
} catch (err) {

Custom Scripts

In some cases you may need to specify an output script instead of an address or data payload:

const scriptHex = myscript.to_string()
const paymentParamts = [{
    script: scriptHex,
    satoshis: 0,

try {
    const { txid, rawtx } = await wallet.sendBsv(paymentParams);
    // c4fc518036d96c956c30b995b4b0a70d6008b4b7ef666f7c913b2a79ab57d670
} catch (err) {


While it's recommended to use the inscribe method, you can technically inscribe via sendBsv as well.

const scriptHex = myscript.to_string()
const paymentParamts = [{
    satoshis: 1,
    address: "18izL7Wtm2fx3ALoRY3MkY2VFSMjArP62D",
    inscription: {
        base64Data: "UGFuZGEgaXMgYXdlc29tZSE=",
        mimeType: "text/plain",
        map: { app: "Cool app name", type: "ord", name: "Text #1" }

try {
    const { txid, rawtx } = await wallet.sendBsv(paymentParams);
    // c4fc518036d96c956c30b995b4b0a70d6008b4b7ef666f7c913b2a79ab57d670
} catch (err) {

Last updated